2010 ~ Present
Media In General
Mortgage Title Fraud: A National Catastrophe - Jeff Nielson (Seeking Alpha)
Fraud Associated with the Foreclosure Problem in America - Mildred Wilkins
National Business Institute on Title Issues - Continuing Legal Education
Property Title Trouble in Non-Judicial Foreclosure States (Albany Law School)
Web of Debt - Ellen Brown, Esquire
MERS the Unreported Effects of Lost Chain of Title on Real Property Owners - Harbinger Analytics Group
The New "Wild West" of TILA Rescission: Life After Jesinoski - Thomson Reuters
Chain of Title (A Story of Discovery) - David Dayen
Defending Your Title - The American Bar Association
Report of the Permanent Editorial Board for the UCC: Who Owns the Note? - PEB 2011
Legal and Economic Issues in Litigation Arising from the 2007-2008 Credit Crisis - Harvard Center for Law, Economics and Business
Fannie and Freddie's Foreclosure Barons - Mother Jones
Testimony of Katherine Porter: Mortgage Servicing Practices - Visiting Professor of Law Harvard (2010)
Mortgage Servicing - Adam J. Levitin & Tara Twomey
Why isn't Wall Street in Jail - Victor Juhasz, Rolling Stone Magazine
MERS? It May Have Swallowed Your Loan - Michael Powell and Gretchen Morgenson, New York Times
Show Me the Note - Bradley Borden, David Reiss, Brooklyn Law School Research Papers
Allonges, Assignments and Endorsements - 2nd Edition Attorney Workbook Treatise and Practice Manual
Two Judges who Get it About Banks - Gretchen Morgenson, New York Times
Anatomy of Mortgage Fraud Part 1 and Part 2 - L Randall Wray, Professor of Economics
MERS recommended Foreclosure Procedures - MERS Corporate Offices
MERS eRegistry: Speed, liquidity and Security - MERS Corporate Offices
Why foreclosures are Happening illegally, without Correct Documentation - Lynn Szymoniak, Esquire
Implode-O-Meter (ml-implode.com)
In Defense of "Free Houses" - Yale Law Journal
Clouded Titles - Dave Krieger
Hollywood Helps!
2010 - Charles Ferguson: Inside Job (w/Matt Damon Narration)
2011 - Too Big to Fail (Peter Gould)
2014 - 99 homes (Ramin Bahrani, Amir Naderi)
2015 - The Big Short (Adam McKay, Charles Randolph)
2009 - Michael Moore: Capitalism: A Love Story
2019 - the Ghost Claimant (Doc Finnucci): A Real Life Theft