Wisdom, like "Wealth" is ALWAYS A COMBINATION of assets. It is NEVER just one thing. "Doc Finnucci 2017"
The RULES OF PRESUMPTION are alive and well in the social communities of the United States of America. It is these RULES that can and do lead to one party's successes and another party's failures. Therefore, it is important for the individual to UNDERSTAND who THEY are, where THEY are and the RULES OF THE GAME they are playing. This is MANDATORY in order to have a CHANCE AT RESOLVE.
Every transaction begins with cause, effect and collateral damage awareness. Although social communities teach us that there is only a "cause and effect" for every action, this is a misdirection. We live in at least a 3 dimensional world and our awareness and actions MUST account for this. English is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn and yet we all "presume" that words used have the same meaning for all parties using them. No one wants to openly admit that they don't know something.
It is not a crime to ask what a party means by the words they are using, making sure you are working from the same playbook (words and music). It is ALWAYS the intention of the adversarial party to convince YOU that such a thing "really" exists, therefore the "subterfuge" will be in THEIR definition of the words and what they conveniently omit.
WORDS that are regularly MANIPULATED TO WORK AGAINST YOU in the business of Money & Debt.